Sangoma Wanpipe Driver Reinstall or Uninstall or Upgrade to latest version
Following steps is for Reinstalling or uninstalling or upgrading the Sangoma Wanpipe Driver
(for upgrade steps check the last steps)
step 1 : wanpipe version installed
command to check the current version
wanrouter version
step 2
Go to the wanpipe source code of the installed version or download from sangoma for the same version
in my case i have downloaded the wanpipe in src directory
cd /usr/src/wanpipe-"version no"
if you dont have the source file then download the same version from the below link and untar the file
Step 3 --- uninstalling the wanpipe
wanrouter stop
wanrouter modules ;to check if any loaded
./Setup remove
Step 4
installing the latest wanpipe driver or installing the any version of wanpipe which downloaded
move to the wanpipe source folder and run below command
cd /usr/src/wanpipe-currentveriondownloaded/
./Setup dahdi ; as i am using dahdi driver if you use zaptel then run ./Setup zaptel
****** reinstallation done here ************************************
******below steps is for upgrading the wanpipe to latest *****
Wanpipe Upgrade
Download the Latest wanpipe from the below link
untar the file and move to the folder
wanrouter stop
cd /usr/src/wanpipe-currentversion
cd /util/wan_aftup
*************END of WANPIPE UPGRADE********************
Ref :
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